Campus Ministry at Aquinas College
Campus Ministry: Professional Staff

Phone: 616-632-2489
Office: Academic Building 309C
Mike Ingram is a proud alumnus of Aquinas College, receiving his B.A. in Theology ('15). He continued his education receiving his M.A. in Theological Studies ('17) from the University of Dayton. Before becoming the Director, Mike spent a year and a half as the Director of Campus Ministry and Coordinator of Residence Life at Ohio Dominican University and several years working in Aquinas's Housing & Residence Life Experience as both an Area Coordinator and Assistant Director. Mike has a passion for lifelong learning and can often be found either listening to or reading a half dozen books at a time. Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Mike is glad to be back in GR and home at Aquinas! Looking for your next book recommendation, ask him for suggestions (he has a home/office library of over 1,000 books).

Phone: (616) 632-1031
Office: Albertus Hall 126
Minnesota-born, I have fallen in love with western Michigan. Hey, there are few mosquitos. As a Dominican friar since 1978 and ordained a priest in 1983, I have worked in campus ministries for 20 years, but I am still very much a learner. I came to AQ in the midst of COVID (July 2020), so I feel like a newbee here. I love walking the campus to get to my office in Albertus, to go to the chapel, or to get a cup of coffee and encounter students, faculty, staff and administrators. I’ll stop and chat. I look forward to meeting you.
Fr. Jordan DeGuire, O.P.
Phone: (616) 632-2490
Office: Academic Building 309B
Fr. Jordan DeGuire, O.P., grew up in the Milwaukee area and loves all things Wisconsin. He met the Dominican friars in Madison, WI, while attending the University of Wisconsin, where he studied mathematics, economics, and religious studies. Fr Jordan then taught high school math for a year before entering the Dominican Order, with whom he professed vows in 2017 and was ordained a priest in 2023. Fr Jordan also likes to run and to bake, two hobbies that offset each other nicely.
Sr. Mary Ann Barrett, O.P. '66
Alumni Engagement Officer
Institutional Advancement
Phone: (616) 632-2164
Office: Holmdene 202
Sr. Mary Ann began religious ministry as a teacher more than 40 years ago and subsequently directed campus ministry at Aquinas College and worked in several administrative roles on the Dominican Sisters – Grand Rapids Marywood campus. She has also been a campus minister at the Aquinas Newman Center in Albuquerque, N.M., and served as a pastoral associate in parish ministry. Born in Alpena, Sr. Mary Ann received bachelor's and master's degrees from Aquinas College, a second master's degree in pastoral studies from Loyola University in Chicago and a certificate in biblical studies from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Sr. Mary Ann will partner with various campus departments to bring current students into the alumni community.

Campus Ministry
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